Monday, July 23, 2012

15 Yard Penalty, Mark Emmert. Excessive Roughness.

The old cliche says one call doesn't effect the outcome of a game,well, Let's take a look at the facts shall we?

  • Paterno and other authority figures were aware of Sandusky crime
  • Reluctant to turn him in, covered it up
  • "Inaction"
  • Sandusky Convicted and sentenced
  • Authority figures either step down or are forced out (Paterno Firing)
  • Paterno passes. (RIP Joe Pa)
Here comes the Hammer!
  • Paterno Statue taken down
  • 60M dollar fine on Penn St.
  • 4 year post season band
  • Scholarships taken away
Then comes the foul
  • Wins from the 1998 through the 2011 season are all vacated (111 in total).
Ousting the legendary all time wining-est  coach in collegiate football history not to 2, or out of the top 5 but the top 10...

Now, I understand the heinous crime that Joe Pa helped cover up but that does not and should not reflect on his innate ability to coach great football. There is always a gray line, but these are two separate entities that I think Mark Emmert's bravado smeared together.

Mark, the NCAA is suppose to govern programs who gain an unfair advantage, you brought down the wrath of the collegiate football gods with what some may say makes the death penalty look like the common cold, but taking the wins away from Paterno, that my friend, is a late hit.

Let me make it clear that in no way do I condone the behavior of Paterno and his lack of action when it came to reporting the disgusting acts of Sandusky. His legacy is tarnished, statue gone, public perception distorted and confused, the program he brought to glory, decimated. His WINS, the only thing he had left, the only legitimate aspect of his storied career that remained, have now been forcefully erased.

You can say Mark Emmert didn't issue the "Death Penalty" to Penn St. but to the man who WAS Penn St. 

RIP Joe Pa

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